Catalyst of Change

Today. This week. Month. Year.

Full of rocky roads, unclear paths, huge mountains and disastrous elements all seemingly meant to be a blockade.

Over the weekend, I discovered a questionable path that lay ahead. It popped up out of nowhere, though it was inevitable.

A piece of my Essence belonged to another the last four years. Tirelessly, I worked to keep this piece separate from my life's purpose. Periodically questioning, when is it too much?

I would battle myself on the days where I had little outside support. I would confide in those who did not understand. And I would be tugged apart at the seams while trying to hang on to the threads in an attempt to create balance.

Never did I imagine I would dive into the realm of Yoga on a professional level. And never did I imagine that it would be so difficult to walk away from.

A catalyst life event serves as a powerful force that propels an individual in the right direction. Though it may feel entirely opposite. Psychologically, a catalyst event can create a sense of urgency or necessity for change, pushing an individual out of their comfort zone and prompting them to take action towards personal growth and transformation.

It can serve as a wake up call, prompting introspection and reflection on one's life choices and goals. In many cases, a catalyst event can lead to increased resilience, motivation, and a newfound sense of purpose, guiding the individual towards a path that aligns more closely with their authentic self and values.

Today, I had that wake up call.

Seemingly another jab from the powers of life, this event gave way to a deeper understanding of a drawn out disconnection. It was time.

Time to spill the overflowing energy of trauma, guilt, expectations, and limitations that had a hold on me for so long. No more powering through. No more hoping for it to get better. It was time. And before I knew it, I was allowing my deepest wounds to surface and express the heavy disconnect I had felt for far too long.

While much wreckage and uncertainty has arrived, this catalyst has sparked a new wave of passion, motivation and determination so strong that I almost can’t believe it’s taken me this long to allow.

The thing about a catalyst event is, it’s fucking rough. It’s interwoven bonds are strung together so tightly, that once you release one knot, it creates several more, becoming more tangled and frustrating.

It’s at this stage that I rest. But only briefly. For I have much to do.

Have you experienced a catalystic event in life?

How did you know it would change your life?

How do you feel now that you've overcome the event?

Leave a comment below to empower those who have been faced with challenges. We are here together. 🫱🏻‍🫲🏾


To move forward


Earth Altering