Journey to Nirvana - pt 2

- A personal experience -

Again, I began to release…

I could feel my higher Chakras start to engage, to work their way through my body, collecting anything along the way.

I was ever present in the internal sensations of each phase, of each wave as it gathered whatever existed in my body and Centers, and then noticed as they began to flow out, releasing me of the past traumas, of the current worries, of the unknown. None of it mattered in the way you’d expect. A vision formed, and I finally understood.

After my body was cleared, I felt relief. My partner had been there the entire time, enduring whatever nasty darkness just escaped my essence. Silently pulling me back to the moment. I was finally able to recall safety.

I made my way back to the bedroom to lie down. I didn’t fall into darkness. I didn’t feel as scared. But I was amazed. Amazed at how I could feel the way I did: so awful, so gut wrenchingly terrible and out of control, but then to end up in a state of pure bliss. Of realization.

As I lie there, I was shown more. I began to see and understand the world, my purpose, and so much more. And I was flabbergasted. It’s been here all along. I felt almost stupefied in the end.

The present moment. That is Nirvana. That is Enlightenment. This moment. It has been so OBVIOUS, and has been right in front of us the whole time, not understanding the power entirely.

We are constantly being told to be in the present moment. To focus on there here and now. But do we really know what that means? No amount of mindfulness techniques, awareness skills, or practices could have prepared me for the journey I took. But they did help me to live through it. To open my eyes and truly understand that Nirvana isn’t something we seek. It’s something we exist in already. It matters most.

In my final vision, I was surrounded by many Beings. They were all shining, glowing, purely happy and magical. I was given the information I had been seeking most of my life: my Purpose. Of all Healers’ purpose. To help others understand the meaning of the present moment. To shine light on this state of existence in a new way.

Of course, other elements of Nirvana exist. Multiple journeys and avenues. Different “destinations.” Other answers and versions of Enlightenment. And it’s wonderful to think, to explore and to hopefully experience.

During this journey, I experienced the shakes, violently thrashing inside my own vessel, the rocks, losing sensations. It was fucking scary for a while. I am so appreciative of the path it took me on. I was lying there, reliving those moments, recalling each piece of information, the many epiphanies, and I was so excited to share this feeling with others.

Allowing people to feel this safety through these phases, recognizing that this is perfect. Recognizing this moment in its whole. I could feel myself go through these phases. Feel myself ending and beginning. It was incredible. To witness your own journey in this way.

I began pulsating at the core to the edges. Feeling thinness and expanding out, going back and forth.

I recorded myself after the experience. I said, it feels perfect. It feels light.

I rode this high for several days, through the course of the week. And I could sense myself in space, in an ethereal type of way; just floating among the crowd, of being so blissfully aware and content, and happy.

Throughout the week, I remained in this state of bliss. Things affected me differently. I was content no matter the situation. I dumbly asked, is this what it feels like to be happy? To not worry or be anxious? And I can’t believe it’s been so “simple'“ all along. It means more than just being happy, or worry-free. It represents an elevated way of living, of being.

I can only hope to share this feeling with others.

My purpose is to help you. To help you find your way to the present moment. Of understanding what that means for you.

Nirvana is in the Now.

Thank you for reading about my experience. If you’d like to share your journey or if you have any questions, please reach out. Let’s connect.

My experience reflects my current journey. I am a firm believer that there are many ways and paths to Enlightenment and Nirvana. I also believe that one can reach these multiple times. Each moment is a new journey, and it is perfect.


Earth Altering


Journey to Nirvana - pt 1