Love & Kindness

Welcome back, friends!

This week, we are focusing on being kind and sharing positivity and love to those around you. This doesn’t mean that you have to make huge gestures; a small act of kindness goes a long way! Now, being kind is something that should always happen, but I understand that sometimes we just aren’t in the mood or we come off as uncaring. Our goal is to be more aware of our actions and attitudes towards others. When we pass along this kindness, it can become infectious, causing others to keep sharing. Even a smile can make someone’s entire day. It’s free, it’s kind, it’s rewarding. Let’s see what else we can come up with!

Story time! I was in a drive-thru about to pull up to the window to grab my coffee. When I approached and started to hand the barista my card to pay, she informed me that the woman ahead of me had taken care of it. I was flabbergasted. That sort of thing just doesn’t happen [to me]. It took me a moment to respond, and when I did I asked her if I could pay for the car behind me. The barista happily took my card and I was on my way. I didn’t even wait until I was out of the parking lot to call my fiancé. I was already in tears, overwhelmed with this feeling of gratitude towards this stranger that generously paid for my caffeine addiction. I could barely get the words out as I ugly cried in my car and told him the story. He, bless him, is not as “emotional” as I am, so he very politely let me know that I was a lunatic for getting so worked up about it. I then called my mom, who is just as sappy as I am. She also started crying (yay, I’m not the only crazy one!) and we both chatted for a while about this wonderful stranger, the state of the world and how these small gestures can mean SO much to someone.

You may think it’s silly that I balled like a baby just because someone paid for my coffee, but it truly meant the world to me. I feel the same way when I’m running into the gas station and someone holds the door open. Another rare occurrence, but another act that doesn’t go unnoticed. Call it chivalry, call it kindness, whatever you will. But it is an act that can make someone’s day. Passing along this kindness is another great way to keep that positivity alive. I didn’t return the favor by paying for the car behind me or open the door for the next person for good karma. I did it because I hope to make someone else feel the way I feel when that happens to me. If we could all share this mentality with those around us and pass along small acts of kindness, we can change the world. We can help someone who is internally struggling. We can create a better life and atmosphere.

Here are just a few ideas to get started:

  • Open the door for someone. It’s difficult to find the timing to avoid that awkward penguin run, but I promise it’s worth it!

  • Pay it forward by getting the car behind you in a drive-thru. This isn’t always feasible for people with budgets, especially if you don’t know how much the other person is ordering!

  • Compliment! Tell someone that you like their outfit, their purse, hair or shoes! A small compliment can boost someone’s confidence in the best way.

  • SMILE. One of the most simple, free methods. A smile can brighten someone’s day that you took the time out of your day to acknowledge that person and offer a kind gesture.

  • Make friends! As an adult, it can be extremely difficult to make friends. If you notice someone who you think you’d get along with, don’t be afraid to invite them to coffee, or trivia! Easier said than done (hello, anxiety) but by offering your time, the other person can feel appreciated and seen.

  • Support friends and strangers! It’s no surprise that social media has taken over the world. (Am I being dramatic?) Share your love and support to those you follow or don’t follow! See an awesome yogi attempting their first headstand? Congratulate them on their progress and courage! Find a delicious recipe? Comment on how amazing it looks! Go beyond just liking a post, interact with it, share it, comment or explore more of that profile. Once you engage in someone’s content, it makes them feel seen, like what they’re posting isn’t silly or that no one will like it. Somewhere, someone is sharing your views. Let’s band together and spread the love and kindness to boost people up!

I would love to know your favorite ways to pass along kindness and love! If you have a story of this happening to you, please share in the comments below!


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