My favorite instas to follow

Hello, yogis!

A new year means new friends! Today I'm sharing a few accounts that are very inspirational to me. I hope you check them out and gain some knowledge and inspo as well!

Let's start by saying that I am in no way affiliated with any of these accounts or people except ONE. (Hey, Syd).

The majority of these are people I've discovered along the social media journey and vice versa. I am a huge believe in supporting local and supporting those who are genuine and can offer some sort of improvement to your quality of life.

There is no right or wrong order, and each person or entity offers their own personality and unique experiences. Their pages are not only beautiful, but encouraging and useful. Not all of them are related to yoga, either!

Please check them out and let me know what you think! If you have any others you think I would like, leave them in the comments below or tag me on Instagram! I would love to expand the community!

Jen Heward

Jen is the most authentic person I have [n]ever met. Her energy is SO contagious and she is super humorous. I first discovered Jen on YouTube when searching for workout (okay, weight loss) videos many moons ago. This inspiring woman taught me in just a few moments that it really isn’t that easy, but it isn’t that hard, either! All of her content is well thought out, motivational, and most importantly honest. She doesn’t beat around the bush; she gives you fact-based information and truly wants you to succeed in whatever it is that you put your mind to. Her workouts are so fun and challenging. 12/10 recommend.

Jenish Patel

Omkar Group of Yoga & Wellness is such a helpful page. I suffer from back and knee issues, and having a visual like what Jenish provides is quick and easy to navigate and implement into your daily practice. Definitely a useful and practical page!

Bubai Naskar

His strength is admirable. It is so incredible to see all that he is capable of. It makes you want to get up and do new things!

Rob DeStefano

Rob is one of the greatest people I’ve found on social media. He is very supportive of his friends and his page is a lovely mixture of fun and authenticity. Check him out!

Sydney Hunt

This chica. <3 She and I went through teacher training together, and to this day we remain close friends. COVID interfered with our training, causing our group to shift to online learning, but we didn’t let that stop the connection we were making. She pushes me out of my comfort zone (in a good way) and I am so happy that I got to meet this incredible human. Watching her practice grow is so inspiring.

Natalie Nenkova

Natalie’s page is full of beautiful scenery and her asanas are perfectly placed. Her page definitely inspires some wanderlust!

Cassey Ho from Blogilates

Cassey is another that I found on YouTube originally. I love to hate her workouts! But seriously, they are SO incredible. I honestly saw results in my strength and definition so quickly. They certainly aren’t easy, but they’re manageable. 🤣 I love how she is another person who is super genuine and really encourages people to go after their dreams. Her energy is also so contagious and it really gets you through the lovely torture she puts upon you. Definitely recommend following!


Jo’s page is so gorgeous and inspiring. I love her encouraging posts and her practice seems so effortless!

Yoga 4 Ewa Studio

This studio/school in Hawaii has inspirational quotes and is supportive of the yoga community and its teachers. I love how the posts have a meaningful message and how they are taken in a variety of places, making it authentic. It’s hard to find a studio that you can relate to without constantly being sold something. I am so happy to have found this one!

Stephanie Sanzo

This woman.. My god. She is one of the most influential people on Instagram to me. Her workouts get my adrenaline rushing and I feel like I can conquer anything. Check her out!

Sutra Studio

I love how her page is so vivid. She takes every opportunity to hop into a pose in her beautiful surroundings and it makes you feel alive!

Maria Dineen

Maria’s page is not only full of wonderful asanas, but education as well! I feel it’s difficult to find a page that tailors to multiple types of students, and Maria does a fantastic job. Her use of props are phenomenal and you can see that she gets so much joy out of helping others.

Jonathan Heinz

Jonathan is another yogi that takes advantage of his environment! You can tell he works hard for his practice, and it’s always fun to see what he’ll do next!

Yoga Vegan Times

Aside from being aesthetically pleasing, this page celebrates different yogis! I love their support of the yoga community and how they incorporate little messages into their posts. Definitely a page I wouldn’t miss out on!

Yanna Barreto

I love how you get yoga and a little bit of her personal life all in one page. Her partnered yoga is so exhilarating to look at and makes me want to try all the things! Too bad my fiancé is hesitant to try it! Hehe :)

Kamal Varlani

Kamal’s page is one of the best ones to find out why you are doing what you are doing. It is a great page for beginners as well as experienced yogis! I personally love to know the logic and meaning behind something and Kamal provides just that.

Yoga with Nk

His practice is one of the most inspirational pages I’ve come across. His journey and asanas can seem so simplistic, yet complex. I love it!

Mint Yogi

One word. Wow. This page is so gorgeous. Content, poses, inspiration. You name it. She has a very thoughtful theme and I could spend hours perusing the content.

Darshana Yoga

Another great page that inspires me! (well, they all do. HA!) Her journey with yoga is so incredible, and you can tell she is passionate about her practice. There are no gimmicks and in today’s world that is unbelievably refreshing.


Sometimes I’ll see her posts and think, ‘I want to do that!’ and fail miserably. Her practice feels so effortless and comforting. You can see all of the hard work and dedication that she has taken to get where she is today. It is a page that is not only inspirational, but motivating!


Such a fun page with a happy soul! Some yoga, some lifestyle, and personality!

Emily from Ink and Earth

This page. Magical. Emily is so talented and I love everything she’s created. I would love to have some artwork done by her someday! Check her out!

Alexandra from Moonroot Studio

This artist’s style is amazing! I love seeing all of the posts and staying up to date on the new releases. I highly recommend her Etsy shop! So cute!

Mr and Mrs Muscle

Oh, my, gosh. This page is beyond incredible. I love their workouts! If you want to spice things up, give them a shot! Just watching their clips gets me motivated!

There are obviously oodles of personalities on social media, these are just a few of my favs where I actually look forward to their posts. I hope you find some that speak to you! If you know of any others that I or our followers may like, please leave their info below or tag us on Instagram! Let me know some of your favorites or if you’ve discovered one from this list!

Until next time, friends. 🙏


Love & Kindness


New year, new you?