New year, new you?

We’ve heard the saying time after time.

Do you feel like you need to renew or change yourself or your habits when a new year approaches?

There is a lot of speculation and even more opinions surrounding this topic. Some people feel a New Year’s resolution is a great way to become healthier, better, happier versions of themselves, while others believe it is actually harming yourself mentally, especially if you fail to meet your own expectations. Do you fall on one end of the spectrum? Or are you indifferent about it all?

I would be lying if I said I’ve never made a New Year resolution. But, I would also be lying if I said I’ve completed that resolution! I’m definitely guilty of making the I’ll-eat-better-this-year, or I’ll-start-exercising-daily, I’ll-stay-on-top-of-my-cleaning or I’ll-be-more-positive-this-year resolutions. But as time goes on, those tasks and goals are never reached. A hurdle pops up; I can’t get to the gym. Family is in town; I can’t eat just veggies. I’m emotional; I need all the things. There’s always something.

So, after attempting and failing to fulfill a resolution or two for a couple of years in a row, I stopped making them. I decided that I don’t need a new year to reset my mind or to reach my goals. Which doesn’t mean there is something wrong in my life that needs changing. I don’t need just another day on the calendar to decide I want to change or better my life. Because that’s all it is to me, just another day. There is no magic wand that is waved to reset your mind, body or soul. There is no special power that is granted to propel you closer to your dreams. It all depends on one thing: YOU.

Depending on our own values and aspirations, we can choose to do what we want with our own lives. Of course there will be limitations. There will be obstacles. But, that also means there may be opportunities to crush those barriers and go further than we did the day before.

That may mean that we recognize we aren’t feeding our bodies what it needs, or we realize we are getting messy and unorganized. Whatever the case may be, don’t let this ONE day of the year come at you like a freight train. If you want to make some changes, make some changes. But don’t do it because it’s a new year. Do it because you WANT to.

That doesn’t mean you can never have a resolution again! It’s important to set goals, to dream, and have something to look forward to, especially if it does improve your quality of life! A good tip is to start small. Don’t make a huge, unrealistic goal that you won’t be able to achieve by your deadline. Hell, maybe get rid of the deadline! Setting a goal is great motivation and the process it takes to get there is an incredible journey. Find a way that keeps you encouraged, but feels successful to your own purpose.

How can you make sure your goal isn’t too big??

More often than not, you can’t. Not until you’re approaching your deadline or come across a snag that prevents you from going further. BUT, you can make sure your goals are attainable! Below are just a few small ways to help you fulfill your dreams.


(these are just a few examples of topics to help you create a plan. By no means is this telling you what your [or my goals] should be!)

  • Define what it is that you want the end result to be

    • Do you want to be able to run a mile without stopping?

    • Do you want to eat less meat?

    • Do you want a spotless house?

    • Do you want to be more productive?

    • Do you want to raise your self-esteem?

    • Do you want to do more for your community?

    • Do you want to travel more?

  • What are some SMALL things you can do to get there

    • Start by walking a mile. Then try running every other block. Then add another block before a break. Keep adding slowly!

    • Begin removing meat from one of your meals a week, or day. Be sure to replace this with similarly nutrient foods! Continue to replace meat from your meals one at a time.

    • Start by cleaning the “easiest” room in the house. Which one will take you less time!? Choose one and DON’T stop until that one room is done. Otherwise, you may never pick up where you left off… On another day, choose a different room! You can also break this down into tasks! I like to choose one day to sweep the entire house. Then another time I’ll mop. Another day I’ll do counters. And another I’ll dust, or some other nonsense I’ve avoided. 😬

    • Make check-lists! I’m a huge geek for making lists. Writing it down also increases the chances of actually getting it done.

    • Think of/write compliments about yourself. Look in the mirror and find something you love, or something that someone else has mentioned. Start small. Boosting your self-esteem is no easy feat.

    • Getting involved in your community doesn’t have to be time consuming, or super pricey! Choose a cause that speaks to your heart and go from there. Maybe volunteer at your local library or yoga studio. Donate food items, or go through your closet and donate clothes you no longer wear. Every bit counts.

  • Ask for help!

    • I know, I know. It’s your goal, why would you ask someone for help? Because they may have a solution or opinion that you hadn’t previously considered. And sometimes, we aren’t always right.😉Getting someone else’s perspective can make a huge difference.

    • Bringing in some backup helps spike productivity and just gets you more motivated overall. Even if you’re not the most competitive person, you may find that having someone watch your goals will push you to try harder!

  • Keep trying

    • You’ll have setbacks. You’ll want to quit. You’ll get frustrated. Write down your end goal and hang it up somewhere that you’ll see every day. And just KEEP GOING.

    • If Plan A didn’t work, move on to Plan B, Plan C… the alphabet is huge, there are oodles of numbers (scientific term, obviously) and more ways to achieve your goals than just one attempt.

Whichever goal or dream you have in mind, don’t give up. It’s okay to change your mind or alter the result you desire. But don’t allow fear or setbacks to hold you back from what you want most. Be the change you wish to see in the world. Another cliché, I know. But it’s true! Go after what you want. Enjoy the adventure and all of the stops along the way. Amazing growth happens when you try, and even when you fail. It’ll be difficult, but it will be worth it.

What are some things you want to do differently this year? What goals or dreams do you have currently? I want to know! Share your amazing ideas and let your thoughts come to life. Comment below!



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