Private vs. Group Yoga

It’s no secret that yoga has a multitude of benefits. The practice is and can be a lifestyle, a great workout, transcendental and the most euphoric thing you could ever experience. Yoga helps align us to not only our goals, but our true selves. It allows us to be fully immersed in the present, focusing on what matters most: our unity.

If you’ve never tried yoga, or if you’re curious about the differences and similarities between group and private yoga classes, take a look below and please feel free to leave comments or questions. You don’t need a profile to participate, just choose a name and hit enter! 😊 If you’re a list person, check out our FAQs here or skip to the bold below!

Let’s begin with a brief history of my personal experience. We all understand that each being experiences things differently even if we’re doing the “same thing.” This can be affected by past traumas, personal issues, outside forces and so much more. Agreed? Okay, let’s proceed.

My yoga experience is all over the place. I dabbled (aka just played around) with my mom when I was younger. That evolved into me practicing at home alone and I’ve also tried several yoga studios where group classes are held. Needless to say, I’ve had different experiences doing all of those. At home, I liked the security of my personal space, but felt as though I was lacking in some way, perhaps the guidance portion, like I really didn’t know if what I was doing was “right.” This ultimately led to being unmotivated and skipping out on my own practice.

Group classes were a whole other experience. Good and bad. I am super introverted, and honestly quite awkward, so it was very difficult to work up the courage to go do yoga in public. To my surprise, one studio I went to had the most incredible teacher. She was genuine, collected, nice and personable. Her classes and theme throughout class were so inspiring! Unfortunately, she moved to Florida and I couldn’t quite connect with another teacher at that studio. In the end, I stopped going there as it was out of my way and I sought a closer option.

The next studio I landed in had a plethora of teachers. I connected with some, others not so much. Sometimes it would begin to feel a little cliquey and I don’t know about you, but I am so over that high school garbage. After all, aren’t your 30s supposed to be your prime?? I struggled making classes because I felt judged and ashamed and most of the time like a failure. I didn’t look like the thin, flexible yogini next to me and that thought was always weighing me down if I caught someone glancing at me.

Eventually, I had enough of allowing myself to feel like this, to put myself through this, and I made the decision to take my teacher training at a local studio. I cannot even begin to tell you how many times I almost cancelled that training. Out of fear of being judged, or mocked. But mostly, out of fear of failing. That’s why everything I do or want to do is put on hold [indefinitely] because I don’t like to let myself down. Well, it took everything in me, but I DID IT. And I am so proud of myself and happy that I didn’t let fear win. Since then, I’ve been teaching at a studio in town, taking on private clients and partnering with local businesses for special events and pop-ups. I’m also celebrating the one month anniversary of creating my LLC!

Okay, that wasn’t so brief. But hopefully you saw just a few things in there that are relatable and explained a couple of benefits and cons to practicing yoga in different spaces. 😅 Let’s move on to why you’re here!


Embarking on a yoga journey is difficult. Whether you battle with internal struggles or physical limitation, it can be intimidating. The great thing about private sessions is that they are completely tailored to you. You are the focus, your goals are clearly laid out, and your questions are actually answered.

There is no judgement of others, no pace or ego to match, and nothing stopping you from being your own god/goddess unless you stop yourself. With my clients, we do a consultation before getting to the good stuff. I highly recommend you ask for a meeting with the instructor if you’re considering taking private sessions, this will help both of you get the most out of it! I go over any concerns and questions and discuss your goals. We may discuss medical history so that I know how to customize the sessions to your needs, making sure you benefit from each session. We may try on a few poses to see what your body likes and doesn’t like and then work out a plan.

In a private setting, there is more “time” to ask questions during practice if they arise. This can be impossible in a group as the instructor most likely will not stop the class to answer a question. Safety is their priority and as long as no one is going to break their neck they like to keep flowing!

We all value someone’s attention and time. And you get all of it when you’re in your private session. This means the quality of class and experience you get is beyond measure. Everything is about you and your body. You can say when you like and don’t like something, and we can change it up on the spot.

You feel as though you are growing from private sessions. That’s not to say you don’t experience this in a group, because you do! But since an individual session is tailored to you, you’re able to build upon each class and while sometimes your goal may simply be a great workout, you’ll discover that you’re expanding your mind and soul in the process. That doesn’t mean it gets religious or all hippie dippy, but rather you become more in-tune with yourself, your thoughts and more mindful of the actual practice. One of the best reasons why I love private sessions is that if you want, you can learn about the history of yoga. That’s why I fell in love with the practice!

See below for the lowdown on private sessions, or view our FAQs page for more information.

  • Great for new students to learn the terminology

  • Allow yourself time to feel your body in proper alignment in a pose before moving on

  • Tailored/customized to your specific needs. We’ll take time to see what works in your body, what your goals are and adapt to changes or new aspirations. This allows for more personalized modifications. When you have one-on-one time with an instructor, we can narrow down what works in your body today and adapt

  • Comfort of your body, mind and spirit without distractions, judgement or competition from others

  • More knowledge for the what you’re doing and why. This can help enable you to continue your practice when you aren’t with your teacher

  • ATTENTION. That’s right, you get ALL of the attention. This is your practice after all, don’t hesitate to ask questions or express what you like/don’t like about certain things

  • Quality. Similar to above, the amount of detail that goes into creating a personalized yoga session is beyond invaluable. The instructor is very precise in making sure that your needs are met, your body is happy, and that you’re comfortable

  • Feedback. Growth is an incredible thing, especially in your yogic journey. In private sessions, you’ll receive feedback, sometimes homework (that’s right!) and complete awareness from your instructor to aid in your goals

Group classes

You’ve already decided you want to try yoga. But, you’re scared about doing it in front of people. Understandable! I’ve been there. And it’s something I still struggle with periodically. The great thing about group classes is that you’re often moving so quickly that you don’t have time to feel judged or even look at another person during class. The hardest part is GETTING YOURSELF TO THE STUDIO. Just like the gym, we all make excuses as to why we can’t make it. the toughest part of any group class is letting your fear stop you from participating.

In a group setting, you can watch other yogis if you don’t know what a posture is. You can also feed off of the energy in the room which helps push you further in your practice and keep you motivated throughout! In the end, you’ll feel a sense of accomplishment and feel so relieved that you did it.

When I practice in a crowd, I do have my moments of insecurities, but rarely are those “justified.” No one is looking at me, they’re focused on their own thing, as they should be! Yoga is about uniting yourself to your practice. As hard as it is, try to let go of everything else and just take those moments to truly shine in your own skin and just ENJOY yoga.

Here’s a breakdown of group classes:

  • Great for new students to witness others doing the postures and familiarize the terminology

  • Can be highly motivational. It’s almost as if you’re feeding off of the energy in the room

  • Community. You’ll meet some of the greatest people in a yoga class. Those connections are priceless

  • Extra encouragement from the instructor to the group as a whole, as well as personal shout outs

  • Often, other formats are available. For example, a studio may also offer Barre, Pilates, HIIT workouts, etc. There is convenience in being able to go to one place for all of those

  • Group classes can sometimes feel more productive, as there’s no time to stop the class and attend to one person’s needs. Safety is a huge priority and a steady pace in class maintains your energy and motivation

  • More temperature options. Sometimes studios will offer heated yoga classes, which not every private instructor has the ability to provide. A heated class can help release extra toxins, improve mobility and mental clarity, and leave you feeling super pumped

  • In group or private classes, you’ll often experience a “yoga high.” This is a feeling of complete bliss or relaxation at the end of class.

All in all, I encourage you try any and all options that are available to you. Everyone is different, and sometimes you need to switch it up! Balancing a shared energy with time of harnessing your own is important to your practice and your personal growth. I love connecting with students in my group classes and seeing their bright faces every week, and I also love building that foundation and relationship with private clients who want to learn more and experience a different side of yoga.

I would love to hear about your favorite ways that you bring yoga into your life. Whether that be in-studio, privately with or without a teacher, meditation or just being present.

View the Classes Offered page if you’re interested in learning more about group and private classes that I provide. I would love to see you in one of my classes or help guide you towards your goals. Namaste, my friends.🙏

Leave a comment below and share where you love to practice yoga!

Mine is anywhere outdoors. Listening to the wind, the trees, the rush of the river. Anything that makes me feel more connected - to everything. 🙏⁠


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