The Elephant in the room… covid-19

If you have a similar mindset, you’re probably ready to see if 2021 will have better things to come.

Let’s talk about it!

Plans were made, events were popping up, friends and family weren’t scared of seeing each other…

This pandemic has affected all of us in one way or another. Whether that be at work, school, our health or sanity; how are you all coping??

With a huge crisis like this, it’s bound to take a toll. The way we shop has changed, going out to eat, how we work and communicate with others. I could go on and on. I feel this happened fairly suddenly, and may have thrown a lot of us through a loop. Did you have to shift your work hours or did you lose your job entirely? Did you have to find emergency daycare or did you need to stay home with the kiddos? Do you cook at home more, or are you comfortable eating out?

Throwing all of our opinions of COVID and conspiracy out the window, what have you been doing differently? What have you liked or disliked about these changes? I’m an extreme introvert (91% to be exact - Myers-Briggs INTP over here!) and haven’t noticed a big change in my social life, except when I’m craving some yummy food at my favorite restaurant and need to think about the consequences…

Unfortunately, it impacted my family and work as well. We had to shut down for a couple of months and once we were finally able to reopen, our patient flow wasn’t like it used to be. It still isn’t. This causes a lot of uncertainly and stress. It is never easy to deal with unexpected financial changes and this pandemic has certainly proved to be relentless with challenges. We’ve suffered a couple of losses recently as well and it has caused great emotional struggles. Not being able to be close to loved ones during a death [and during a pandemic] is one of the most difficult things that I’ve had to go through.

Our family is adjusting to the new rules and protocols as I’m sure you are. With all of this added stress, it can be tough to get things done, feel happy and not become overwhelmed. If you have any tips, please share with your fellow yogis!

One thing I’ve learned from this is you never know about tomorrow. We hear this all the time, don’t we? But it doesn’t really set in until you go through something and realize it’s too late. It can create guilt, fear, depression, anxiety. Hold your loved ones close, and always remember to take care of yourself, too. 💛

I’m a big fan of a good pros and cons list. Check out my thoughts and comment yours below!


I don’t need an excuse to avoid people! 😂

Everything is CLEAN

Traffic is less busy during rush hour

[In the beginning] stores were less cramped

More time spent with family (in the same household)


Difficult/impossible to spontaneously visit family

These masks are truly irritating… maskne go away, pls!

It has affected so many lives in a negative way

I most certainly did not utilize my time off. I need a redo!..

The stress and anxiety it brings: financially, emotionally, physically

The never ending feeling of this pandemic!

Once we accept these changes, it may be easier to cope.

Steve Maraboli said, “life doesn’t get easier or more forgiving, we get stronger and more resilient.” I couldn’t agree more. The world throws us curveballs on a daily basis, and we can choose to hide away and let it attack us or we can decide to hold our ground and push forward, adapting and becoming stronger. Our strength is solidified if we have others around to support us. 💛

namaste, yogis


A moment of thanks & welcoming positive changes


Finding motivation