A moment of thanks & welcoming positive changes

Turkey Day is quickly approaching! What are your plans? Do you feel safe traveling or hosting a get together or will you not be celebrating this year? Even if you do not take part in holidays, being thankful and recognizing your appreciation for things and people can boost your mood and spread love that we all need a little extra of these days.

It may be difficult to find things to be excited for during these challenging times, but if you look closely they are there! It takes practice to locate silver linings but once you do, things can seem a little easier. Something that has helped me remain positive and have hope is one of my favorite quick reads, The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz.

Ruiz discusses four primary “agreements,” or moral/ethical codes of conduct to live by. These are merely a guide to trying and live your best life by transforming the way you think and react. In short, these agreements are meant to remind us to always choose to tell the truth and be kind, don’t take things personally, avoid making assumptions and always try our best. Each code of conduct dives deeper into our mind’s way of thinking and reacting, and assists with a little bit of history to understand why we act the way we do.

These codes of conduct are challenging to achieve, but as with any practice it takes time and dedication. No one is perfect, and there will always be setbacks and roadblocks. But how you pick yourself back up is the important part. I implore you to give this book a read and let me know your thoughts, or just take a moment to reflect on the choices and reactions you have had in the past and see if you notice any areas that you may welcome a little change.

We will eventually discuss all of the four agreements here! If you want to get a head start feel free. It’s never to early or too late to make a positive change!

Happy Thanksgiving, Yogis 🙏 🦃


My journey into yoga, Body positivity & mental health


The Elephant in the room… covid-19