The importance of self-care

With everything happening in the world right now, it’s too easy to get lost. I’m completely guilty of falling victim to ignoring my own needs all. the. time. let alone during a pandemic. But I’ve learned the hard way that it’s important to make time for yourself. Too often would I shrug off my depression or anxiety about something only to make that feeling worsen until I spiral out of control and explode, throwing shrapnel at those around me who are trying to help or falling deeper into the hole of fear and stagnation.

So, with every ounce of strength I manage to muster up, I try to make time for myself in one way or another. Here are some of my favorites:

  • Bubble baths! Childish, I know. But honestly, nothing beats a warm bubble bath with a nice face mask (and perhaps a glass or two of wine). Sometimes it’s difficult for me to lock my phone out of the bathroom and truly tune in to the oasis I’ve created in my tub, but when I do it’s a great feeling. I’ll often throw in a ton of epsom salts, too, to help with my muscles and sciatica.

  • Reading. This is one I still struggle to make time for. I have OODLES of books to read, collecting dust. When I do finally sit down with one, it doesn’t take me long to finish. So I’m not sure what my problem is! Most likely the sitting down part and not feeling guilty for letting this object suck my soul out of my body for hours. But, guilt is what we are trying to avoid here. Never feel guilty for focusing on YOU!

  • Family. I don’t have much family, so the time I get to spend with them means the world to me. I’m a firm believer that we are not here on this earth just to go to work, come home, make dinner, go to bed and repeat. There is more to life than that. There HAS to be. So make time for your loved ones. You never know when the opportunity may disappear. My fur babies have helped me through so much of life; don’t forget about them, too!

  • Did I mention…… WINE?!? I always allow myself to treat myself when it comes to food and beverages. It is still a struggle I face about feeling guilty for it, but I have begun to shift my mindset around food. Once I could control my portions, my food selections became healthier. Of course, I will always eat sweets, salty, crunchy goodies and enjoy my wine and tequila, but I am on a journey to acceptance of this and my body. It isn’t easy, as I’m sure you know. But, if we are able to change our mindset about eating then we can transform our life and become the healthiest we can be mentally and physically.

  • YOGA. I’ll be the first to admit it. I struggle to make it to my mat sometimes. Especially when things are hectic and stressful. But, I realize that yoga is exactly what I need in those moments. When I’m lying on my mat, trying to block out chaos, I’m able to connect deeper into my soul and get closer to what I’m searching for, whatever that is (hello, enlightenment!) and when class is over, I am full of so much energy, I’m happier and I can feel a difference in my body.

Growing up, it was instilled upon us to not be selfish. After all, that is what a insensitive, self-obsessed, greedy and rude person would be, right? Wrong. It’s OKAY to be selfish!! I’m not saying to ignore others’ needs, or to not be compassionate, but to feel okay about FOCUSING ON YOU. If you don’t take care of yourself, you won’t be any use to those around you. If you’re angry or miserable, chances are your friends and family with you will feel that energy and it will affect the time together.

So don’t be afraid to be selfish. To take care of yourself. Each day is anew and it’s too short to be anything but unhappy.

What are some of your favorite ways to unwind and give yourself some love? I wanna hear it!




Finding motivation

